Monthly Archives: December 2020

2020 Closure

On a cold Monday, November 16, I practiced tea for the last time outdoors, in 2020. It is one of my greatest joys, to spend time with my daughter. I love that Moira was the person I shared my first outdoor winter tea in 2020 with (NP Gazebo), and she is the person I shared […]

Inside a Jar…

Sun Nov 15, 2020 1:00p The weather changed dramatically for this weekend of tea in the barn. Still carrying the last tea ceremonies’ warmth in my heart, I was convinced that more tea in the barn was a good idea. And, though very cold, it was indeed a good idea, for my tea teacher, Roo […]

More Barn Tea

Sat Nov 7, 2020 2:00p This warm weather weekend is such a gift, all I want to do is tea! So, more tea in our sweet old barn! This afternoon’s guests were a multi-generation family of three artists with deep awareness of tea aesthetic. When serving tea by myself for more than two guests I […]


Sat, Nov 7, 2020 11a This morning I shared tea with one guest, a gentle soul open to the comfort and beauty of the moment… tea. It was a warm, sunny morning, about 65 degrees, with a gentle wind, and autumn leaves tapping against the barn roof and walls as they fell. So very different […]