Heart of Zen is the premier Asian Bodywork Therapy practice in Leelanau County, MI. Located in downtown Suttons Bay, Heart of Zen offers Zen shiatsu to bring about a true wellness experience.
Feeling healthy and strong? Heart of Zen recommends monthly appointments to continue to support the wellness habits you have incorporated into your life.
Experiencing a recent injury or trauma that has left you with a sprain, strain, or ache? Heart of Zen recommends scheduling an appointment as soon as possible to support quick and complete healing.
Dealing with mental and/or physical stress or trauma that leaves you in pain or feeling unable to enjoy your day the way you want to? Heart of Zen recommends weekly appointments until you notice a positive change.
Expressions of health include appropriate breath, diet, movement, and rest so that you can function to your fullest. Our goal is to help you achieve and maintain these expressions of health in your life, even when confronted with stress or injury.
To schedule your appointment:
Call or text Heart of Zen at 231-386-7616 or email michelle.mushin@gmail.com.